Work With Us!
Current Opportunities:
Audition Notice
Théâtre du Rêve, Atlanta’s French-language theater company, invites you to audition for our 2025 production, Lauren Gunderson’s play, Emilie: La Marquise du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight. Auditions will be Saturday, December 14th, 2024 from 12-5 pm, with callbacks (by invitation only) on Sunday, December 15th from 7-10 pm. Audition location is in the Jugglers Room of the Little Five Points Community Center (1083 Austin Ave NE #202, Atlanta, GA 30307). If you are not available on December 14th, please email info@theatredureve.com for alternatives.
The production is a French language translation of Emilie: La Marquise du Châtelet Defends Her Life Tonight, performed in French by a small ensemble of actors playing multiple roles.
Production dates:
First rehearsal: the week of 2/10/2025*
Tech: March 8-11, 2025 (final dress with photographer 10am Tue Mar 11, 2025
Opening Performances:
First Student Matinee: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Official opening: Friday, March 14, 2025
Performance Schedule**:
Wed 3/12 (10am), Thu 3/13 (10am), Fri 3/14 (10am, 8pm), Sat 3/15 (8pm), Sun 3/16 (3pm)
Tue 3/18 (10am), Wed 3/19 (10am), Thu 3/20 (10am, 8pm), Fri 3/21 (10am, 8pm), Sat 3/22 (8pm),
Sun 3/23 (3pm)
*Rehearsals will be scheduled subject to cast availability.
**Please note that there will be 10 am weekday student matinees.
About the play (synopsis from the playwright’s Website):
“Tonight, 18th century scientific genius Emilie du Châtelet is back and determined to answer the question she died with: love or philosophy, head or heart? In this highly theatrical rediscovery of one of history’s most intriguing women, Emilie defends her life and loves; and ends up with both a formula and a legacy that permeates history.”
Casting: We’re casting a small ensemble to play multiple roles. Actors of any age, gender, ethnicity and ability are encouraged to audition. If you’re an actor who doesn’t speak French well – audition anyway! We’d love to be able to keep you in mind for any English language opportunities that arise. If you’re an actor who speaks French but is not available for these production dates — audition anyway. We love to meet new performers.
EMILIE DU CHÂTELET – forty, dressed in no particular era, confident and curious
VOLTAIRE (V) – fifty, dressed immaculately in 18th Century fashion, charming, boyish
Woman 1 who plays:
-SOUBRETTE – a young woman, mid twenties, plays Emilie and others:
-MARY-LOUISE – simple and stupid
-DAUGHTER – direct and strong
Man 1 who plays:
-GENTLEMAN – a handsome man, thirties, plays:
-JEAN-FRANÇOIS – young and doting, sincere
-THE MARQUIS – serious but warm, very formal
-MAUPERTUIS – sexy and academic
-MARAIN – snide and proud
Woman 2 who plays:
-MADAM – a slightly older woman, fifties, plays:
-MOTHER – serious and wounded
-MADAM GRAFFIGNY – obnoxious and rich
Contracts: We have no AEA contracts available. All artists will be on non-equity contracts with weekly compensation at $400/wk.
Audition preparation: Please prepare a short monologue in English AND either this monologue from the play, or a brief French excerpt from a play or poem of your choosing. If asked to attend callbacks after auditions, you will receive sides from the play in both English and French.
To schedule your audition on Sunday, December 3rd, please fill out and submit this Google Form. If you are not available on December 14, please email info@theatredureve.com for alternatives.
Additional requests:
- Please decline early if you know you cannot attend so that we know we have correct contact information for you.
- Please let us know if you no longer live in Atlanta and/or if you wish to be removed from our casting database.
- Please bring 1 headshot/resume to your appointment.
- Please review the dates provided and pass if you have major conflicts with the production dates, including the 10 am student matinees.
- We are not able to provide housing or housing assistance for actors for this production.
- If you schedule and then must cancel, please do so with at least 24 hours notice.
- Please forward this invitation and/ or recommend names to Casting if you have actor friends who speak French.
If you have questions, email eliana@theatredureve.com. If you need to contact Casting on the day of your audition, please text 404-313-5802 (include your name and audition time).
Design and Production
If you are interested in production, stage management, run crew (esp. supertitles operator), front of house, carp, electrician, or design opportunities, email jennifer@theatredureve.com with your resume, letter of interest, and statement of French language proficiency. (Language proficiency is not required for most positions but is a plus.)