
A Votre Santé!

Happy Holidays from Théâtre du Rêve! Whatever you’re celebrating this December 2020, we’re with you, raising a glass to good health, good friends, and good cheer. This winter, we’re also taking the opportunity to slow down, breathe deep, and think about what really matters. And right now, what matters most to us is connection. We

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Vive la Musique!

Newsflash . . . TdR’s Virtual Salon on Nov. 8, French in North America, is going to be jam-packed with music, poetry, stories, and great conversation. Have you made your reservation? Non? Do it now! We’ll be sharing an afternoon’s worth of delightful discoveries, from the Louisiana bayou to the east coast of Canada. For

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Announcing our 25th Anniversary Season!

Théâtre du Rêve (Theatre of the Dream), Atlanta’s unique French-language theatre, rings in our Silver Anniversary season with Virtual Salon performances of 25 voices from around the Francophone world. Théâtre du Rêve (TdR) began as a single production in 1996, and grew into a company that has collaborated with artists from France, Canada, Belgium, and

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Black Stories Matter

A message from TdR Founder Carolyn Cook Bonjour, chers amis, We are living in remarkable times. As I look at Theatre du Reve’s artistic future, and especially the coming season (our 25th!), I’m filled with excitement and anticipation. You may be thinking, “Carolyn, êtes-vous folle?” Am I crazy? Okay, maybe a little. These are challenging

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