Category: Uncategorized

Black Stories Matter

A message from TdR Founder Carolyn Cook Bonjour, chers amis, We are living in remarkable times. As I look at Theatre du Reve’s artistic future, and especially the coming season (our 25th!), I’m filled with excitement and anticipation. You may be thinking, “Carolyn, êtes-vous folle?” Am I crazy? Okay, maybe a little. These are challenging

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Listening, Learning and Responding

June 2, 2020 Chers amis, TdR Board Chair Michelle Taylor Willis and I are reaching out today to share our company’s commitment to the vital work of overcoming racism. As a company, we will: hold ourselves accountable to our Black board members, Black artists, Black staff members, and Black patrons. We need them, and we

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Au revoir but not adieu . . .

Good news! Théâtre du Rêve will remount our production of Vive La Fontaine in 2021!  Though we took our bows early this spring, we are currently making arrangements to present the show at the same time as this year’s cancelled production, so you won’t have to miss out on this magical show.  It was a hard

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