Category: Uncategorized

First Salon of 2018!

Please join us for insightful conversation with fascinating people! TdR Presents: Virginia Apperson and Pete Williams on How Fairy Tales Cut to the Chase, an exploration at the intersection of female French writers and Jungian psychology. February 25th 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Admission is FREE! The home of Virginia Apperson and Pete Williams (RSVP

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The He[ART] of the Story

What makes a story magical? Why do fairy tales enchant generation after generation of listeners and readers? What are the common themes of tales and fables from different world cultures? We’ll discuss these questions and more in our fall educational forum, The He[ART] of the Story, Saturday, October 21, 2017. Hear stories from different cultures,

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Salon Series Returns

Join us again this season for our popular Salon Series – intimate gatherings in private homes to preview and explore our upcoming shows. We begin the 2017-18 series on Sunday, August 27, with a “salon within a salon”, a peek into the 17th century literary salons of brilliant women writers and thinkers like Madeleine de Scudéry, whose “Salon du

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