Celebrating 2019!

TdR was everywhere in 2019!

We created a French café for the first annual United Nations of Play at the Atlanta Children’s Museum, traveled to Montreal to experience French-Canadian music and culture, and continued to learn innovative arts-management strategies through AIM Atlanta. That’s on top of our hit production, Code Noir: Les Aventures de Premier Comte de Monte Cristo, and our bilingual theatre camps. Quelle année!

The United Nations of Play event at Imagine It: The Atlanta Children’s Museum, was a one-day celebration of cultures from around the world. Groups from Japan, Senegal, Mexico, and other countries created interactive displays and performances to immerse young children in the life of their country. Théâtre du Rêve’s French Café was a hit with budding waiters, chefs, and café clientele (especially the under-five crowd). Vive la France!

Reaching beyond France to the Francophone world, TdR traveled to Québec in September for La Grande Rencontre, a festival of traditional music and culture. We were blown away by traditional and modern approaches to music from Canada, northern France, the Basque Country, and even Scandinavia! It’s all part of our research for a future production, so stay tuned . . .

On the administrative side of things, we continue to participate in the DeVos Institute’s Arts Innovation and Management program, through a generous grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies. We’ve attended seminars on marketing, fund raising, board productivity, and more. It’s a remarkable opportunity to grow as an organization and provide our patrons with the best possible experience.

As 2020 approaches, we’re excited about new partnerships and ventures across Atlanta, North America, and the world! Stay in touch, and please accept our best wishes for the new year.

Bonne Année!