Code Noir: A Huge Success!

Thanks to all our friends and patrons who shared the story of General Alexandre Dumas with us. From sold out houses to packed student matinees, it was a privilege and a pleasure to live the heroic story of this famous French general each night with our audiences. If you missed it, not to worry– check out some fabulous photos below, and read Atlanta INtown’s review here, in which the reviewer writes, “There is no other theatre in town with the savoir-faire to pull off this kind of esoteric enlightenment.”

Very clever, provoking, and entertaining!

Audience Member of Code Noir
Producing Artistic Director Carolyn Cook as Citoyenne Dumas
Listen in on a talkback, in which actor Thandiwe Thomas DeShazor talks about how being a becoming a father himself deepened his understanding of General Alexandre Dumas.


Code Noir était fantastique! A beautiful show weaving seamlessly from French to English and back again… a wonderful show for Francophones and English speakers alike!

Georgia Theatre Guide
Talkbacks with our student groups are the highlight of our matinee performances!

We love spending time with our patrons at our post-show receptions and talkbacks!